I believe

Thriving onLife

Beyond Surviving Cancer

we can beat cancer with 

medicine,  lifestyle, and mindset. 

live life beyond cancer.

You can


I aspire to empower those on the cancer journey. I want to eliminate fear of treatment, surgery, and recurrence. I want you to feel a sense of transition to living better during and after cancer.

My Experience +Training

My experience includes 31 chemo infusions, 30 radiation therapies, double mastectomy, hysterectomy, ovary removal, breast reconstruction, lumpectomies, breast staph infection, port catheters, and IV maintenance.

My training in holistic cancer coaching will help prevent cancer and recurrence through diet, exercise, mindset, and stress management. I will help you navigate your treatment options and advocate for other services you may be unaware of, at your cancer center or a place near you. 

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About Me

I’m Marina Blackford and I beat cancer twice. 

Each diagnosis came after the best times of my life. The first time I had just qualified for the Boston Marathon after trying for 3 years. The next week, my biopsy came back positive for breast cancer and I needed to start chemo immediately. I took my marathon training and mindset and applied it to beating cancer. I ate, slept, and used my mindset to live well during chemo and surgery. 

My second diagnosis came 3 months after having my second child. I started chemo again while being a mom to a 2 year old and newborn. Through each journey, I found a way to live beyond being a cancer patient. I was more than a fighter; I'm now a survivor. I live beyond in faith and self love and believe we are more than a title. If you can believe that, you are already healed. 

- Marina


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